Trip to Pisa


Had trouble getting internet, but can post a bit now.  This is our trip to Pisa.  A few refreshments on the way.  Nice train ride- about 3 hrs.  Much agriculture on the way- wheat (pasta), vineyards, olive groves, sunflowers, ...  Also many wood ovens in the small backyards.  We are staying in a B&B in a quiet neighborhood, quite different than the bustle of Rome.  More to come...
Some birre and a new Vespa!

A pleasant ride.

Sunflowers.  The country side is hot and surprisingly dry, even though we were riding up the coastline.

7/7/2010 08:38:40 am

Birra! Birra! Birra!
Vino! Vino! Vino!
Vespa! Vespa! Vesp!
Wreck one ! get another!
Still sounds like a rea; Fun time!!!
Wendy sends her love and do do too!

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